Thursday, February 16, 2012

Grandpa Approved

So we have had some "issues" since we moved into the loft. The lighting fixtures were bad and went on and off when the movers were here. The lighting is the bathroom was practically non-existent. The stove top didn't work. Plus much more including a collapsing closet.

To make matters worse, we could not hook up the dryer for the life of us. The hose inside the wall is fubar. And our connector hose was super long and not very flexible. Well, it took us a week but between a new hose, gorilla glue, and Great Stuff that sucker is not going anywhere. Grandpa M would be so proud of C and me.

Now, the part he'd be most proud of was C's brilliant idea. Our drying rack broke. It's crappy plastic and from Target so I didn't expect much but it hit the ground 1x and a very important chunk came out of it, stupid piece of crap. So Clarice got out the gorilla glue and I held it shut. We glued that sucker together. Then she decides she wants a just in case method so she pulls out the duct tape and wraps it up in the duct tape. I honestly don't think the thing has been so erect; it's perfect! Grandpa M applauded from Heaven. Holla!

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