Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Random emails

Lately I've gotten a rash of emails from people emailing an Elisabeth Marshall. I had gotten this email a while ago made out to E. I thought it was one of my old college friends until I got to the paragraph where she thanked 'E' for coming over and how she had a really great time etc. I thought it was a one time thing so I didn't respond.

A few weeks go by and I get an evite for some party with hosts I've never even heard of (Todd & _____) and just deleted the email without thinking about it further.

A month goes by and said friend emails again asking how 'E' likes her Toyota Highlander and talking about her child. I responded back, pleasantly, "I believe you have the wrong email address but as far as the Highlander goes I hear it's great - my cousin has one." No response. I was excited to be rid of this doppelgänger's email.

Shortly after, another evite comes through from Todd and ____. These people must really like to party. So finally I respond and tell them that I'd love to come to their party but I have no idea who they are.

Last month I got an order from MAK Design in my email. I thought, shit this woman must have stolen my identity. So I look through her information - very expensive purchase on a Visa, no relation to mine, and she lives on an island. I'm like, hmm, almost wish I were Elisabeth Marshall. I respond and say the email address must have been inputted wrong.

I'm assuming this must be E who is friends with a Highlander lover and party people. Now she's buying a chandelier to hang on at her own parties.

Well last week MAK Design sends an email notifying Elisabeth that they no longer have what she wants in stock. I email them again. Hey idiot, my name is Erin, use other contact info!

I'm starting to wonder if the universe is telling me to run away and become Elisabeth Marshall. Or if she is just really stupid. Either way, I am getting sick and tired of being disappointed that I am not Elisabeth Marshall. Aside from her stupidity she seems to have a pretty pleasant life.

Hey E, if you're reading this stop giving away MY email address. Please. But I would love to have your correct email. That way I can get your party invites to you - obviously Todd & ___ are pretty pissed at you by now. You've probably missed both of those parties.

To make matters worse this week I get an email for Emily Marshall, from herself. Obviously she's feeling pretty stupid so I don't need to be mean to her. School is doing that to her - she emailed me her anatomy and physiology homework. I am so not going to do that for her.

Is it time I change my email address? Guess this is what I get for being one of the 1sts on gmail.

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